Linh Hoang

When I created my first design on Illustrator, I knew that this would be my life-long passion. I loved the way that design touched into and enhanced so many other creative fields. I want to be a person who can make the world a little more colorful. While the journey to this point has had many trials and tribulations, with the help of my friends, family, classmates, and professors throughout the years, I’ve grown a lot as an artist. I am ready to use my skills to make more people smile!
Linh’s Thesis →
Brandon Brown Mary Gutierrez Phi Ho Linh Hoang Brandon Huynh Rachel Lee Hefan Lim En Yu Ma Miguel Morejon Dana Nissan Anela Oliveros Sylvia Ow-Yang Ryan Parajas Karla Peralta Sarah Sauerzopf Chako Shinmoto Tanya Shrivastava Wenwen Su Tianting Sun Hung Tsai Thanhthao Van Effy Wang